Exclusive!! New tracks added by yours truly

You thought I was bluffing right? Well I wasn't you will notice my mixtape up top with my three most recent additional tracks added "For a Few" produced by QdNu,
 "IF'n U" produced by the Fluu a musical bedfellow of mine from unknown world reminiscent of somewhere we've all been before, and
 "somebodymade" another one I did with QdNu outta the land of OZ
check em, out..support indie music, and creativity as it unfolds in and discovers me
in accordance with one of my very first posts on this blog re:Obama, 
ANYTHING is possible..
i'm believing this more and more everyday for me, you and everyone we know
we all have to do our part to display the truth of this message, this is mine, u know?

1 comment:

femi. said...

'for a few'


that's on repeat right now :)