I'm Heartbroken..

Nobody DID it better though
His stage presence was BREATHTAKING 
He left a recipe for all performers
He showed a musician really how to DO IT
His wasnt a music career...it was a musical PHENOMENON
People may have some crazy things to say, but he is a legend among very few in the 
history our modern music world.

R I P Michael Jackson.

He was unparallelled in talent, and achievement by no one
PS: To all the haterz:..eat a dick

So my music pkayer wasn't playing and I'm in the process of creating a new improved player so for now check out my music at www.myspace.com/cecilimusic
It's one of those nights that lead to a morning for me up discovering new sounds and ideas. I just got a text from a good friend reminding me that its official as of today! Summer is here..the thought of this is making me restless and reckless inside. I don't want to work at all starting today-I only want to write my music and listen to music 24/7...I'm feeling like skipping out on ever responsibility I have and going to concerts! MGMT in prospect park 7/1 is gonna be the debut of my new reckless summertime doppelgänger. I know I'm supposed to be patient but at what point does God flip the dream/reality switch on-to synch the two together if a person has belief and faith that their dreams are their reality? Cuz, for the record-God I believe, flip the switch Amen
Haven't been able to blog lately -my acting class has been a pleasant kick in the ass..not to mention my daily routine adding digs and jabs in for giggles every now and then..but your girl's (me) full of heart and perseverance and has officially took the bout home and into the final stages..any minute now she'll strike victorious with one final, fatal blow and send 'em all running scared in a frenzy

check the new tunes in the player

she still got her purse on her arm, sigh. when are us 
one generation from the ghetto removed type people
realize- you can take the peeps out the hood but
you cant take the hood out the peeps even through 
generations (smile)

I got a couple new songs posted today
they are "Wipe Your Feet"
and   "The Main Thing"