Coup de Ces Live at The Bitter End on Feb 19, 2010! BE THERE!
n., pl., coups (kūz).
- A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph.
- A coup d'état.
- A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover: a boardroom coup.
- Among certain Native American peoples, a feat of bravery performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury.
- An NYC based psychedelic/soul/alternative experimental band led by frontwoman Cecili Simmons; a moveable sound explosion.
Happy Halloween!
many tricks and treats (whichever you fancy) to everyone! Enough with the cat ears and
animal whiskers already, lets be original people...and the angel wings are majorly played OUT.
Now the substance of things hoped for.....
My not so new current model of existence is based on
the ever popular K.I.S.S. rule. Muah!
I'm really focusing on just letting what is my life
and my music. It feels like a time when things seem to
have gotten a bit I'm just gonna continue to stay
steady and fly the plane til I pass completely through to the other
side and reach clear blue skies again. ...or in other words
employ my faith as my evidence of things unseen..but soon to
be tangible manifestations in my reality.
IF'n U -Cecili Simmons and Cris Vega are Black & Tan
ps. -I'm coming out!
FOR BOOKINGS contact :
Wipe Your Feet (acoustic version)* EXCLUSIVE*
Me and my musical bandmate Cris Vega are Black & Tan on Poet Minor's Different Voices tv show
Check us OUT.....
witness the Black & Tan eclipse
the worldwide warrior and her karavan travels...
Lately it's like..
stay tuned for upcoming live shows,
tour dates, new music, pics and video
I just discovered this fab designer on Knight

Jean-Michel Basquiat was just a random fave creative artist that came to mind as I was typing this he speaks to me and so does his work..rediscover-or if you havent-discover him.
Eat this food.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson
I had a sudden flash or epiphany about boldness and entitlement of myself artistically yesterday...just before that there was a beautiful discussion with a fellow artist friend of mine about taking risk in your work as an artist and the fear that goes along with I researched a little and found one especially for me and what has been a virtual tug of war for me as of late.
Who knows maybe this will be of some use to someone else somewhere sometime.
something WONDERFUL this way comes

and you know that all the seeming "struggle/obstacles" are because my victory is NIGH...AAAAaaaahhhHHHHHH!
i feel it
I'm There

soon, grasshoppers...soon enough
but tonight this is the spot for sure...
I'm excited, I started the day with acting class and am ending it here
what a creative, artsy..full fledged day! Just how I like it due time
they'll all be like this! 24/7/365 and I'll be on the billing
I aint playin.

don't judge me...i'm just open to receiving these should try getting open too..
I'm Heartbroken..

His stage presence was BREATHTAKING
He left a recipe for all performers
He showed a musician really how to DO IT
His wasnt a music was a musical PHENOMENON
People may have some crazy things to say, but he is a legend among very few in the
history our modern music world.
So my music pkayer wasn't playing and I'm in the process of creating a new improved player so for now check out my music at
It's one of those nights that lead to a morning for me up discovering new sounds and ideas. I just got a text from a good friend reminding me that its official as of today! Summer is here..the thought of this is making me restless and reckless inside. I don't want to work at all starting today-I only want to write my music and listen to music 24/7...I'm feeling like skipping out on ever responsibility I have and going to concerts! MGMT in prospect park 7/1 is gonna be the debut of my new reckless summertime doppelgänger. I know I'm supposed to be patient but at what point does God flip the dream/reality switch on-to synch the two together if a person has belief and faith that their dreams are their reality? Cuz, for the record-God I believe, flip the switch Amen
Haven't been able to blog lately -my acting class has been a pleasant kick in the ass..not to mention my daily routine adding digs and jabs in for giggles every now and then..but your girl's (me) full of heart and perseverance and has officially took the bout home and into the final stages..any minute now she'll strike victorious with one final, fatal blow and send 'em all running scared in a frenzy
check the new tunes in the player
she still got her purse on her arm, sigh. when are us
one generation from the ghetto removed type people
realize- you can take the peeps out the hood but
you cant take the hood out the peeps even through
generations (smile)
they are "Wipe Your Feet"
and "The Main Thing"
Find me in there swimwear wit may name on it next year!
"..FLY" and utterly amazing
ok, so this is a throwback fave of mine for no reason at all except the fact that
she's so fierce its disgusting- ill!
todays Ipod shuffle
Karen Clark Sheard: Only Call on Jesus, Higher Ground(Kim Burrell...mmmh)
JMoss: We Must Praise, Let it Go
Sarah Vaughan: Whatever Lola Wants
Cecili: Main Thing
Tweet: I'm Done
Jukes: Something Important
Pac Div: Round and Round
Brittany Bosco: Love Thang
Badu: That Hump
Dinah Washington: Big Long Sliding Thang
J Davey: Camera(gangsta), Lil Big Heads
Little Dragon: The Last, Scribble Paper
Anthony Hamilton: Where did it go wrong, Cornbread Fish Collard Greens in an uplifted, sanging my head off kinda mood while I cook some dinner...
Exclusive!! New tracks added by yours truly
You thought I was bluffing right? Well I wasn't you will notice my mixtape up top with my three most recent additional tracks added "For a Few" produced by QdNu,
"IF'n U" produced by the Fluu a musical bedfellow of mine from unknown world reminiscent of somewhere we've all been before, and
"somebodymade" another one I did with QdNu outta the land of OZ
check em, indie music, and creativity as it unfolds in and discovers me
in accordance with one of my very first posts on this blog re:Obama,
ANYTHING is possible..
i'm believing this more and more everyday for me, you and everyone we know
we all have to do our part to display the truth of this message, this is mine, u know?
what up!
I had a great day in New York City impromptu(the best way) with a friend.
We had lunch, european style..vino..of course...conversation..exhale.
Then a stroll..and a trip to a French patisserie for a lil dessert..yum..artistic au lait..relax.
the perfect day to chill for a busy artiste mmhmm, no?
just got final mixdown on my new joint For a Few my newest colab with the amazing
producer QdNu..stop by tomorrrow for a listen..i'm hype as hell...its my new fave!
im out
my current mood: anxious anticipation
Happy Mother's Day Mom! and all you other Mothers out there!
...last night I dreamt of a tall vintage silver microphone on a big stage...I walked up and was adjusting it readying to perfom and rockout..hmm dreaming it into reality....
I'm anxiously awaiting the final mix for my most recent songs. I cant wait to share them. I really like them. Phillipians1:6 He that began a good work in you will bring it to completion
thought for the day..
here comes another one
my latest joint "main thing" is coming to the web really soon..
gotta love a lil colab..with hot ATL producer Klash
i continue to amaze myself..i know it's probably not that hard
at times..i'm not really that deep..still it's cool to see which
direction my creative ego is taking me in..seems to be getting
better each time..or be specific..
stay tuned to hear soon
how can anyone not want to embrace their creativity in whatever
way that manifests itself? Its so divine, one of the few connections
we have to be in touch with the divine in this realm, i think.
bring it on..i want more
oh yeah, Happy Cinco de Mayo! Have a margarita with salt and some
real chips and salsa para Senorra Cecilia por favor! Ole'
Tools of Inspiration from Cecili's Box
come here...take a peek inside my box..toolbox, that is...(tsk, tsk, tsk) these here a few of many of my sources of motivation and inspiration to continue to be true to whoever I am at all times..ugly, nice, sad, fat, goofy, sexy, gleeful whatever the fuck I am whenever, wherever, cuz it dont really matter anyway and in the end we only need to live true to who we are within.

Lately I feel like I'm in a stage of constant change. Although daunting at times I am embracing the inevitable breaking down that is currently happening in my life and anticipating a much more self- aware, cooler me. I know that's not even possible considering how awesome I already am, right? I guess we'll all have to stay tuned for what I'm sure will prove to be an even more mesmerizing metamorphasis than Kafka could write about. Ok maybe not even more, but in the very least as much of major feat. I have deduct points for not being a cockroach...

they are from Sweden, their sound is dope, and the lead singer Yukimi Nagano deserves to be known and celebrated in the US. Needless to say they are my latest museworthy(yes)
(museworthy: that which i currently utilize as a source of inspiration for any of my creative endeavors.) Enjoy and embrace different, experimental music! This is the kind of stuff that should be all over the radio waves!
Oldboy (2003)

Check this movie, it won the Grand Prix at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. I just discovered it and it seems Stephen Spielberg is currently remaking this one with Wil Smith as the lead. With its super in-depth plot and controversial subject matter, not to mention fantastic scenes with some serious ass kicking involved, I was hooked from the moment it started.
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