Barack the Magic Negro

I originally didn't even want to comment on this idiotic subject due to the fact that it is just plain stupid, but I couldn't resist. Firstly, I find it to be utterly atrocious that certain members of the Republican National Committee think it's ok to distribute a song entitled "Barack the Magic Negro" to members and that the public is dumb enough to believe that it was just distributed under the guise of being "political satire." Thank God that the republicans will be out of the white house. This reinforces that there are still a great deal of childish, sore-loser mentality types in leadership in the republican party, despite the fact that they lost the election, despite the actual issues it seems to all be reduced down to race-specifically, a racially charged ignorant song by ignorant racist, forest-for-the-trees, incompetents. Get with the program. Get happy... you have no choice, Barack said it ...he's" your president too." 

P.S.- Oh- and will the last Republican out please take Jim Crow with him? Thanks!

P.P.S.-A moment of silence to Eartha Kitt for living life profound.


NYC creativity never disappoints me.

So mesmerizing. And yet simple-makes me happy.

It's called dreamspace. It emphasizes the enormity of
the space it's occupying and seems to visually challenge
reality at the same time. I think it is accomplished by the
varying sizes of the 10,000 some odd balloons floating
around inside the space itself. Boggling huh?
What's even more boggles is that I am really getting
major parallels to this and human existence. Was 
it this conclusion to which this was the ultimate nod?
Makes me wonder...-ful!

til nextyme

peace. prosperity. success.

Merry Christmas World! Blessings for everyone for the New Year

Do you have your stockings hung on your chimneys?
With care? 
Do you even care? Care enough to remember the meaning 
of this holiday. Celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior..
and as always I'm wishing everyone:

Hustle, Bustle and Hugs

Alright so I have to vent to someone.My latest traveling expedition finds me home to spend the holidays with my loving fam. And I gotta say, to the airlines, that I understand all the pressure you're under to follow security guidelines and safety regulations; maybe the occassional angry or drunken beligerent passenger-but could you do us a favor and not take it out on those of us who actually show up early, sober and in a good mood ready to begin our journey through the so called "freindly" skies? I mean really, it's draining. And to the pilot at United who showed up late to the flight and made my man miss his connecting flight in his connecting city and forced him into being tortured with potentially having to spend 3 days in the airport, or away from his loved ones in some lonely, boring hotel on Christmas day, suck.

Aaaaah...yes..better now.

Now onto more positive, pressing news:

As I type, a absolute-SICK remix of Purty Baby is in the works(yay!)
My niece is learning to play acoustic guitar and has a portfolio of songs (she's 7)
We will be co labbing tomorrow(she's producing me)
I am loving being in the warm surrounding circle of love and comfort that is my family (beam;)


Who Am I Listening to? ask;)
Well I'm currently playing a little Bilal Salam if you must know. He is -smooth but still thickly soulful. Also Georgia Ann Muldrow- she's extra profound lyrically with awakening musical stylizations, cant stop listening to her. J*Davey Baby! They jam-no-scratch that...they're that thick grape jelly. I must spread alot of it on bread. Now. Miss Jack Davey is a fuckin badass-hands down. These are currents, as in the last 24 hours-there are also others that should be named that make my daily rotation -Lupe, Erykah, Bjork, The Kills, Yeah Yeah Yeahs.  And of course KNOW was up! Other than that I am working (yeah that's right, I'm still an artist on my grind with a measly day job. Oh well, not for long...listen to my music and you'll understand that it's only a matter of time before I am my own dayjob..even though I am now) and getting ready to go home to ATL (Yeeeuhhh!!) Atown down- for Christmas with my fam. That's wassup. Til nextyme. Peace.Prosperity.Succes-ili